Children’s Christmas Gift Guide

Here at Ouch Pouch HQ we’re parents to six children between us – three each! We try as much as possible to keep the children off screens and devices (they do have a time and a place!) and in the run up to Christmas wanted to share some of our most played with children’s toys and gifts for anyone struggling with their chirstmas shopping.

Speed Track UK

With three boys over in Jennie’s house the Speed Track UK has been a firm favourite for years. This open-ended toy has seen hot wheels cars, monster trucks and more hurtle down the tracks. The boys have great fun making jumps, bumps and seeing how high they can get the sucker pad.

Another bonus for any car loving children is that it’s super easy to set up and start playing with but also even easier for parents and caregivers to put away and get their lounge or floorspace back again. Over on the Speedtrack instagram account we’ve even seen it at the beach, so that’s on our hit list for our 2025 beach trip to Cornwall.

PlayHooray Play Prompts

We’ve been following Claire over at PlayHooray for years and adore her play tips and playPROMPTS. This limited edition Christmas playPROMPT set will make a great stocking filler and will come out for years to come with the Christmas decorations.

Each card will prompt you with a mixture of creative, pretend, active and craft activities. We also know what it’s like parenting different ages and Claire gets bonus points for ensuring the activities are suitable for all of the children – no tanties over here!

Follow Claire over on her play hooray instagram account for a regular sprinking of fun play ideas.

Connetix Magnetic Tiles

Connetix magnetic tiles were created by two families over in Australia. After seeing how their children not only enjoyed playing with magnetic tiles they decided to create their own version that were strong, safe and offered clearer refractions.

Sammy’s been a big fan for years for this very reason, they’re super safe. Hop on over to her HappyHearts First Aid Insagram account to see her stories on magnetic toy safety.

The Connetix Marble Ball Run brings hours of fun for all ages. We’ve seen elaborate marble runs in our house, chain reactions and even bug houses made from these super safe magnetic tiles. They live in a wicker basket for easy access and the children all enjoy building and making with them

Head on over to the Connetix magnetic tiles Instagram page for inspiration on magnetic tile play all year round!

Den Kit

Do you need a gift idea for older children that don’t play with toys? A den kit might just be the answer. Each kit contains everything you need to grab and go on an awesome outdoor adventure. They claim to be more than a gift, a gateway to adventure and we’ve seen it first hand with our two kits!

The Forest Den Kit comes in at a slightly higher price point but is ideal for older children with more of a keen interest in outdoor adventures. It’s an ideal gift from grandparents looking to spend a little more money and not wanting to waste money on tat!

Children can channel their inner Bear Grylls planning and making their own den. All you need is some outdoor space and a few trees! We love to make an afternoon of it and take a flask of hot chocolate out with us, the cheeky elfmates even came out with us last year!

The den kits are perfect if you have a reluctant older child that needs a little persuasion to get out and about!

Pack ‘n’ Play Trays

Fellow Mum and local business owner Kirsty has created something special over at Pack n Play tray with her potion kits.

The North Pole Potion Kit is gorgeously festive and makes a great stocking filler. The test tubes could even be split between stockings if you have more than one child.

If you love to encourage outdoor play and aren’t a fan of mud in the mud kitchen, then these are the kits for you. Not only do they smell delicious, fizz beautifully and spark imaginative play, they’re super easy to clean up afterwards.

Top tip, The mini kits are great to stash away for birthday party presents!


We hope our Children’s Christmas gift guide has given you some inspiration. They’re all Ouch Pouch approved christmas gift ideas and we can vouch for the fact they’ve given us that little bit of extra time to finish a hot cup of tea, or get dinner going.

Seeing the children play brings so much joy, especially when it brings siblings together and is inclusive to all. Do let us know if you’ve got some gift ideas for children that we might not have come across yet. You can email us –



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